Android 2.3.4 gotowy do pobrania dla serii Xperia

Żródło: Sony Ericsson
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Sony Ericsson udostępnił użytkownikom telefonów z serii Xperia nową wersję oprogramowania - Android 2.3.4. Nowego Androida mogą pobrać posiadacze Xperia arc, Xperia PLAY, Xperia neo, Xperia mini, Xperia mini pro, Xperia pro, Xperia ray, Xperia active, Xperia neo V, Xperia arc S i Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman.

Nowości (ang.):

Google Talk with Video Chat for smartphones with front-facing cameras
Updated Facebook inside Xperia functionality for enhanced like, share and discover abilities. We have talked about Facebook inside Xperia on previous posts.
Xperia smartphones introducing world’s first 3D Sweep Panorama functionality powered by Sony.
16x video zoom
The software upgrade will enable consumers to turn their Xperia smartphone into a mini-mobile PC by connecting USB peripherals (mouse, keyboard or game controller) to Sony Ericsson LiveDock multimedia station. Connect the smartphone to a TV via HDMI to get a big screen experience.
Gesture input – text input by swiping the finger from one letter to the next
Screen capture – allows the user to share a screen grab from anywhere in the phone.




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