Deutsche Telekom w swoim komunikacie prasowym potwierdził przejęcie 48% udziałów w PTC w oparciu o opcję call. Niemiecka firma nie podała żadnych szczegółów dotyczących uzgodnień finansowych z Elektrimem i francuskim Vivendi.
Treść komunikatu w języku angielskim:
Dr. Klaus Hartmann appointed CEO of Polish mobile operator PTC
Thilo Kusch to take over CFO position at Magyar Telekom
Effective September 15th, 2006 Dr. Klaus Hartmann (45), currently Chief Financial Officer of Magyar Telekom, will become CEO of Polish mobile operator PTC. At the same time, subject to requisite corporate approvals, Thilo Kusch, currently Senior Executive Vice President in charge of Investor Relations, is to take over the position of CFO at Magyar Telekom the Hungarian market leader for telecommunication services.
Hartmann joined Deutsche Telekom group in 1995 and was appointed CFO of Magyar Telekom in November 2000. Previously he held various important management positions in finance within Deutsche Telekom and its subsidi¬ary Global One.
Kusch is since April 2002 Senior Executive Vice President in charge of investor relations at Deutsche Telekom. He joined Deutsche Telekom Group in 2001 as Senior Director in charge of IPO preparations and investor rela¬tions for T-Mobile international. From 1998 to 2001 he was telecom equity analyst with Dresdner Kleinwort and from 1992 to 1998 he worked in Arthur D. Little's Telecoms, IT, media and entertainment practice as a manage¬ment consultant.
The new management appointment at PTC is a direct consequence of Deutsche Telekom's acquisition of the 48 % stake of PTC formerly held by the Polish company Elektrim. The acquisition is based on a call option awarded to Deutsche Telekom by a Court of Arbitration.
Deutsche Telekom, a founding shareholder of PTC, is thus proceeding in its aims of supporting the company in its successful operations as Poland's leading mobile communications company.