Podczas LTE World Summit 2010 w Amsterdami przyznano nagrody LTE Awards. Lista nagrodzonych:
Best Network/Device Testing Product for LTE: Agilent Technologies - for the "Agilent LTE Network Trial Solution"
Best Contribution to LTE Standards (Individual or company): Ericsson Research - who through their research into high quality LTE specifications, helped to enable an early commercial launch of LTE mobile broadband and a global industry trust and commitment for the LTE technology.
Significant Progress for a Commercial Launch of LTE by an Operator: TeliaSonera - who were the World’s first operator to commercially launch LTE in Oslo and Stockholm on 14th December 2009
Significant Progress for a Commercial Launch of LTE by a Vendor: Huawei - for their LTE eNodeB launch
Best Enabling Product/Technology for LTE: picoChip for their PC9608 - their first full hardware and software development platform for LTE femtocells
Best Contribution to Research & Development for LTE: Huawei - who dedicate the largest percentage of the company’s mobile business R&D expertise and resources to the technology
Best Green LTE Product or Initiative: Winafrique Technologies - with their RAPS initiative
Award for Individual Contribution to LTE Development: Antti Toskala of Nokia Siemens Networks
Sponsorami nagród były firmy Cisco i Huawei.