Mike Pompeo, sekretarz stanu USA, na wczorajszej wspólnej konferencji z polskim ministrem spraw zagranicznych, Jackiem Czaputowiczem, powiedział:
Jeśli chodzi o chińskie technologie, to są pewne ryzyka. To ryzyko jeśli chodzi o prywatną przedsiębiorczość. Instalowanie technologii chińskiej zwiększa ryzyko. Natomiast każdy kraj, podobnie jak Polska - kraj suwerenny - podejmie własne decyzje i zdecyduje, czy będą chcieli korzystać z tych technologii, czy też nie.
Czaputowicz dodał, że w tej sprawie trwa aktualnie dyskusja w UE:
Na temat implikacji i zaangażowania w różne sektory technologiczne firmy chińskich. Jesteśmy tego świadomi, współpracujemy w ramach Unii Europejskiej, a także ze Stanami Zjednoczonymi, jeśli chodzi o wymianę informacji w tym zakresie. Unia Europejska jest otwarta na inwestycje, także spoza obszaru UE (...), ale z drugiej strony kwestie bezpieczeństwa, o których tutaj mówimy na pewno będą wpływać na decyzje w tym zakresie.
QUESTION: Hello. Thank you. Secretary Pompeo, China describes your Huawei allegations as immoral and has raised the specter of retaliation against Poland for playing the part of an accomplice in this controversy. Have you suggested Poland to take any particular countermeasures related to Huawei or Chinese retaliation?
And Mr. Foreign Minister, do you worry that a failure to come to an agreement with the United States on this Huawei matter will have a negative impact on the prospects of a Fort Trump or an expanded U.S. military presence in Poland? And more broadly, has there been any consideration on the Polish side about hosting U.S. missiles deployed in the wake of the withdrawal from the INF Treaty?
SECRETARY POMPEO: So may I go first, take the first two questions? Thanks. So first, with respect to Chinese infrastructure delivered via Huawei, we’ve done here in Poland what we’ve done all across the world: we’ve made known the risks that are associated with that, risks to the private information of the citizens of the country, risk that comes from having that technology installed in network and systems. Our task is to make sure that the information that we have we can – and that we can share is widely known. It’s an educational task. The individual countries then will make their own choices. As a sovereign nation, Poland and other countries will choose the technology that they want to have deployed inside of their country.
We’ve also made clear that if they make a certain set of decisions, that it will be more difficult for the United States Department of Defense to work alongside of them – that is, we’ll never put our equipment in a place which would present risk to our technology from having Chinese technology collocated alongside of it that presents a risk. And so we’ve made that clear to each country as well, and then those countries will simply make their choices.
FOREIGN MINISTER CZAPUTOWICZ: (Via interpreter) As regards your first question related to cooperation with Chinese companies, that’s a topic that is also prevalent in the EU concerning the implications and technological differences between us and Chinese companies. We are very much aware of that in the form of the EU, but also with the U.S. we try to exchange information related to that topic. Of course, EU – the EU is open to investment also when it comes to companies from outside of the EU. This is something that we cannot forget about, but on the other hand, safety and security that we are focusing on here will definitely impact any decisions taken in this respect when it comes to investments – IT – in the IT sector in Poland and the EU countries.