Mikrofalówka Nokia, kino domowe dla zwierząt, Blue GMAIL, konsola iPlay - Prima Aprilis! - aktualizacja 5

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Największe koncerny technologiczne prześcigają się dziś w pomysłach na najzabawniejszy żart na Prima Aprilis. Oto kilka przykładów:


Kino domowe Sony dla psa, chomika, kota:

Usługa S-Scent - zapachy w aplikacji Facebook w smartfonach Samsung

Google Nose

Samsung Smart Eco Tree

Funkcjonalności Samsung Smart Eco Tree (ang.):

Air Fresh

SMART Eco Trees intake CO2 and release oxygen to support a healthier environment. In the process it also uses a natural filtering system to eliminate pollutants. Eco Trees also help keep the humidity at a pleasant level. These features are fully automatic and require only the addition of water and S (Solar) Beams.
FOTA (Fragrance Over-The-Air)
SMART Eco Trees also feature S Buds that blossom. Through these S Buds, Eco Trees not only clean the air, but also provide Fragrance over-the-air. Availability, composition, intensity and duration of the aroma may vary by model.
SMART Cooling
Eco Trees also provide SMART Cooling, an eco-friendly cooling effect on the surrounding area. This can help reduce stress and energy costs. SMART Shades are also available. Density of SMART Shades may vary by season.
Climbing an Eco Tree can help elevate the altitude of your vision. SMART View helps users see higher and further.
* Disclaimer: Not all Eco Trees are suitable for climbing. Please check safety instructions before using this option. Also, Samsung does not recommend the use of SMART View for spying purposes.
Eco Design
Most Eco Trees also serve as a beautiful addition to your garden of choice. Select Eco Trees also offer SMART Color, which turn the leaves into red, orange, yellow, brown, etc. Eco Trees are available in various shapes and sizes with different options.
Group Play
You can incorporate many Eco Trees together to increase the effect of the functions described above. Group Play usually results in positive synergies such as preventing soil erosion.
When given the right care, Eco Trees provide S-eeds for SMART Sharing. Share your Eco Trees with friends and family. SMART Share is free of cost.
Evolution Kit
Take care of your Eco Tree! Evolution Kits are consisted of S Beams, water, fertilizers, etc. By applying these elements, you can help grow your Eco Tree. Enjoy the latest features of your Eco Tree. It’s just like upgrading to a taller, stronger, state-of-the-art Eco Tree every year!
Various accessories, including but not limited to swings, tires, ladders, tents, tree houses are available at dealers near you. Try the latest most innovative accessories on your Eco Tree.
Special Editions
Select models are also available that provide food, entertainment and offer habitats for wild animals. Eco Tree ‘mini’ are also available for indoor application.
Eco Trees are already available in most regions around the world, in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Please refer to your local garden, park, or forest for more information.
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Virgin Mobile - Pager 4G LTE

Naszyjnik z systemem Windows Phone

Klawiatura SwiftKey Tilt (a whole-body typing experience)

Konsola Apple iPlay:


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