France Telecom-Orange ogłosił dziś bardzo duże zmiany personalne, które mają zacząć obowiązywać od marca br.. Didier Lombard, szef FT, twierdzi, że zmiany te mają przynieść poprawę efektywności, zwiększenie innowacji oraz odkrycie nowych talentów w zespole zarządzającym firmą. Oto szczegóły tych zmian w języku angielskim:
Gervais Pellissier, member of the Group Management Committee, takes responsibility for Group Information Systems in addition to his responsibilities as Chief Financial Officer.
Georges Penalver, member of the Group Management Committee, takes responsibility for Group Strategy and Development. In this role he will manage the Group's strategy concerning technology, standardisation and key partnerships.
Jean-Philippe Vanot, member of the Group Management Committee, takes responsibility for Group Innovation and Marketing, including Orange Labs and the Technocentre, and the Group Marketing function. In particular, he will manage and optimize the interaction between the Group's innovation processes and the countries and divisions concerned.
Olaf Swantee, member of the Group Management Committee, takes responsibility for operations in Spain in addition to his responsibilities for operations in Europe and Egypt, and the Personal Line of Business.
Raoul Roverato, who currently manages New Growth Businesses, will now take responsibility for the Healthcare Division, in addition to the Content and Audience & Online Advertising Divisions.
Vivek Badrinath takes responsibility for Networks and Carriers. He reports directly to Didier Lombard.
Marc Fossier will manage Corporate Social Responsibility. He reports to Jean-Philippe Vanot.
Brigitte Bourgouin takes responsibility for the Carriers in France activity, which notably integrates relations with MVNOs in France. She reports to Jean-Yves Larrouturou, member of the Group Management Committee, General Secretary and director of the Africa, Middle East and Asia (AMEA) region.
Anne Bouverot will manage the Personal Line of Business, including the Devices team. She reports to Olaf Swantee.
Patrick Roussel will take responsibility for International Business Development. He reports to Jean-Yves Larrouturou.
The Group Management Committee remains unchanged with eight members supporting Didier Lombard. These include:
- Jean-Yves Larrouturou, Gervais Pellissier and Louis-Pierre Wenes (responsible for Operations in France, Group transformation and Group Purchasing), who have been appointed Deputy Chief Executive Officers;
- Olivier Barberot, in charge of Human Resources, Barbara Dalibard, in charge of the Enterprise activity, Georges Penalver, Olaf Swantee and Jean-Philippe Vanot.
Vivek Badrinath, Caroline Mille, in charge of Communications and the Brand, and Raoul Roverato will also contribute to the work of the Group Management Committee.