Samsung Galaxy S III na chwilę liderem rynku smartfonów, iPhone wyprzedzi go ponownie w IV kw.

Żródło: Strategy Analytics
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Strategy Analytics opublikowało ranking najczęściej kupowanych smartfonów w II i III kw. 2012 r. Liderem rankingu w III kw. jest Samsung Galaxy S III, ale Strategy Analytics przewiduje, że już w IV kw. Apple ponownie obejmie pozycję lidera z modelem iPhone 5.

Global Smartphone Shipments & Marketshare by Model in Q3 2012 [1]

Global Smartphone Shipments by Model (Millions of Units) Q2 '12 Q3 '12
Samsung Galaxy S3 5.4 18.0
Apple iPhone 4S 19.4 16.2
Apple iPhone 5 0.0 6.0
Others 128.0 127.6
Total 152.8 167.8
Global Smartphone Marketshare by Model (% of Total) Q2 '12 Q3 '12
Samsung Galaxy S3 3.5% 10.7%
Apple iPhone 4S 12.7% 9.7%
Apple iPhone 5 0.0% 3.6%
Others 83.8% 76.0%
Total 100.0% 100.0%

[1] Numbers are rounded. Updated total. The Samsung Galaxy S3 total does not include the S3 Mini, S2, S or any other related models. The iPhone 4S total does not include the iPhone 5, iPhone 4 or any other related models.



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