Zakończenie produkcji Note 7 wpłynie na zysk operacyjny w III, IV i I kw.

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Samsung poinformował, że zakończenie produkcji Samsunga Galaxy Note 7 wpłynie negatywnie na zysk operacyjny firmy w IV kw. 2016 r. i w I kw. 2017 r. Zysk będzie niższy o około 2.6 mld USD. Podobny spadek zysku został zaplanowany na III kw. 2016 r. (takie dane zostały ogłoszone 11.10).

Spadek w IV kw. jest oceniany  na około 1.7 mld USD, a w I kw. przyszłego roku na 900 mln.

Oznacza to, że wstrzymanie sprzedaży Galaxy Note 7 obniży zysk operacyjny Samsunga w tych trzech kwartałach o ponad 5 mld dolarów.

Oficjalny komunikat Samsunga (ang.):

Samsung Electronics Estimates Mid-3 Trillion Won Negative Impact for Q4 2016 and Q1 2017 Due to Galaxy Note7 Discontinuation

Korea on October 14, 2016

Samsung Electronics announced today that it estimates a negative impact of approximately mid-3 trillion won in operating profit from the fourth quarter of 2016 through the first quarter of 2017, due to the discontinuation of Galaxy Note7 sales.

The company already allocated the expected direct cost from the discontinuation of Galaxy Note7 sales in its third quarter earnings guidance revision announced on Oct. 11, but expects the drop in revenue from the discontinued sales to continue to have a negative impact on operating profit for the next two quarters.

The negative impact is estimated in the mid-2 trillion won range for the fourth quarter of 2016 and at approximately 1 trillion won for the first quarter of 2017.

The company is releasing these estimates to inform the market on the impact of the Galaxy Note7 discontinuation.

Moving forward, Samsung Electronics plans to normalize its mobile business by expanding sales of flagship models such as the Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 edge.

Additionally, the company will focus on enhancing product safety for consumers by making significant changes in its quality assurance processes.

Komunikaty z z 7 i 12 października:

Korea on October 12, 2016

Samsung Electronics today announced its REVISED earnings guidance for the third quarter of 2016.

After recent incidents and in consideration of our consumers’ safety, Samsung Electronics stopped sales, exchanges and production of the Galaxy Note 7. Below is a revised pre-earnings guidance which reflects the impact of this decision on the third quarter earnings, in accordance with accounting standards. We are providing the revised guidance based on disclosure regulations of securities market.

· Consolidated Sales: Approximately 47 trillion Korean won
· Consolidated Operating Profit: Approximately 5.2 trillion Korean won

The above figures are estimates of consolidated earnings based on K-IFRS. Please note that Korean disclosure regulations do not allow earnings estimates to be provided as a range. Therefore, in compliance with such disclosure regulations, the above figures represent the median of the earnings estimate range, provided below.

· Ÿ Sales: 46 ~ 48 trillion Korean won
· Ÿ Operating Profit: 5.1 ~ 5.3 trillion Korean won

October 7, 2016 – Samsung Electronics today announced its earnings guidance for the third quarter of 2016.

Ÿ Consolidated Sales: Approximately 49 trillion Korean won
Ÿ Consolidated Operating Profit: Approximately 7.8 trillion Korean won

The above figures are estimates of consolidated earnings based on K-IFRS. Please note that Korean disclosure regulations do not allow earnings estimates to be provided as a range. Therefore, in compliance with such disclosure regulations, the above figures represent the median of the earnings estimate range, provided below.

Ÿ Sales: 48 ~ 50 trillion Korean won
Ÿ Operating Profit: 7.7 ~ 7.9 trillion Korean won

※ 2016 2Q and 2015 3Q consolidated figures based on K-IFRS are as follows
(in trillion won) 2016. 2Q 2015. 3Q
Sales 50.94 51.68
Operating Profit 8.14 7.39



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