Magdalena Gaj - inspiracją dla mnie jest Maria Curie-Skłodowska

Opinie: 5

Magdalena Gaj, prezes UKE, walczy o stanowisko zastępcy sekretarza generalnego ITU. Konferencja, na której zostaną wybrane nowe władze odbędzie się w Busan w Korei Południowej. W wywiadzie dla organizatorów (ITU News) Gaj powiedziała, że osobą, która najbardziej ją zainstpirowała w życiu jest Maria Curie-Skłodowska. Konferencja będzie trwała od 20.10 do 7.11.

Oto pełna treść wywiadu w języku angielskim:

What are your top three priorities for ITU and how do you see the Union’s continued relevance in a hyper-connected world?
Magdalena Gaj: ITU should focus on connecting the unconnected, providing more spectrum for industry, and fostering consumer protection.
Why? Because two-thirds of the world’s population still cannot enjoy the benefits of information and communication technologies (ICT). Broadband roll-out is essential. Not only does a 10 per cent increase in broadband penetration yield additional growth in gross domestic product (GDP) exceeding 1 per cent, but it also empowers citizens and gives them the chance of a better life.
In order to strengthen its relevance in the hyper-connected world, ITU has to foster its multistakeholder approach,
reinforce cooperation between regions, offer mutual help, and exchange best practices.

The ITU membership traditionally takes decisions on the basis of consensus. What approaches have you used in the past to build consensus?
Magdalena Gaj: Our mission at ITU is to respond to the needs of all the Member States and their citizens. Consensus building involves listening to the needs of all the stakeholders and acting diplomatically on those bases.
As a leader of the successful switch-off of analogue television in Poland I learned to build consensus the hard way. Initially, our broadcasters tried hard to disrupt the process. But through my determination and willingness, I convinced them to start a dialogue. I have always been collaborative, but never afraid to take important decisions.

ITU’s “federal” structure — the General Secretariat along with the Radiocommunication, Telecommunication Standardization and Telecommunication Development Sectors — is unique in international governance. How do you intend to leverage this structure for maximum impact, while ensuring the unity of the Union?
Magdalena Gaj: Unity is essential to achieve the Union’s goals and properly respond to challenges of the new digital world. Therefore, I willingly support further strengthening of cooperation within the entire structure, despite potential differences.
The General Secretariat should continue its coordinating function so — instead of duplications — we can focus on creating synergies between the activities of all the Sectors. That, in turn, will further reinforce the natural leadership of ITU in the ICT ecosystem.

What do you see as ITU’s aims in continuing to lead the World Summit on the Information Society?
Magdalena Gaj: WSIS has been a vital milestone in the history of the United Nations system. Having introduced a multistakeholder approach into the United Nations processes, it put ICT on the United Nations agenda to facilitate development. Aren’t we proud of ITU making WSIS so impactful in levelling differences — internationally, regionally and nationally — with plenty of evidence reported every year?
Besides, in synergy with the private sector, WSIS supports the citizens of United Nations Member States in using ICT.

The United Nations post-2015 sustainable development agenda will address new challenges facing people and the planet. How should ITU contribute to shaping that agenda?
Magdalena Gaj: The post-2015 world and citizen will be mobile and the industry will be ever more global, requiring ultrafast connectivity.
The development of the Internet should achieve the goals of accessibility and safety, as well as full understanding of the Net’s own capacity.
ITU should advocate universal and affordable access to broadband services, promoting the adoption of broadband plans by its Member States.
Millions of people’s lives have already been improved. Even more can be done if we connect the unconnected and enable their full access to e‑health or e‑education. Among our future challenges are e‑waste, environmental protection, cybersecurity, and the education of non-digital natives.
With our combined efforts, the United Nations post-2015 agenda will recognize ICT as a powerful facilitator.

ITU’s 150th anniversary in 2015 will be celebrated under the theme “Telecommunications and ICTs: Drivers of Innovation”. What in your view are the three innovations in this industry that have most changed our world? And what do you see as the most significant technological innovation on the horizon?
Magdalena Gaj: Firstly, mobility of various devices guarantees unprecedented freedom to every single user. Secondly, satellite navigation systems save time, money and — most importantly — lives. Thirdly, the Internet of Things, now entering the stage, raises productivity, facilitates transport and fosters eco-friendly lifestyles.
There is so much more awaiting us on the horizon. A few decades from now innovative sociable robots will help the elderly in the ageing society, and then we will find out if a robot can replace the human touch.

What needs to be done to bring more women into leadership positions, both in ITU and in the ICT sector as a whole?
Magdalena Gaj: In many cases, tackling gender inequality means battling prejudice, so the key factor is a change in public awareness.
Gender stereotypes won’t take us far. Since we have numerous outstanding women doctors, nurses and teachers, why can’t we have just as many great women managers, IT workers and telecommunication network engineers?
We should promote success stories of female leaders and ICT experts, who — acting as role models and pioneers — will motivate other women to take on leadership positions in our sector.
To my knowledge, the best teams are composed of men and women who appreciate and respect each other’s contributions. Hence, the role of men is invaluable. They should be advocates of this cause.

Young people are avid and creative users of information and communication technologies. How will you involve them in ITU?
Magdalena Gaj: Involving young people — digital natives — attracts our attention to the issues relevant to them and inspires ITU with innovative ideas. The BYND 2015 Global Youth Summit held last year in Costa Rica gave a perfect opportunity to listen to the voice of youth.
At the same time, with its experience, wisdom and authority, the Union should offer the young a reliable code of conduct in the digital world.
Hence, we should further strengthen the ITU internship programme, engaging with universities, research institutions and possible funding partners.

People are a crucial part of any organization. What is your message to ITU staff?
Magdalena Gaj: People are amazing because they are capable of remarkable achievements producing extraordinary results. They possess all the resources and tools that they need to succeed.
I have always believed that people are complete. Therefore, I never try to change anyone. The challenge facing all leaders is to let their staff members use their personal potential — the exceptional potential of each individual. In truth, individuals create the quality and image of the organization they are part of.

What has been the most rewarding moment in your professional life?
Magdalena Gaj: One was my leading role and personal involvement in the entire process of creating and implementing the bill which abolished telecom investment restrictions in Poland.
Then, the transition from analogue to digital television put me in charge of the whole process from the decision-making stage, through the implementation and supervision phases.
These two tasks provided the most invaluable experience in successful project and team management.

What personality has most influenced your way of seeing the world?
Magdalena Gaj: I am inspired by Marie Curie-Sklodowska, a distinguished Polish chemist. Her tenacity, dedication and passion resulted in discoveries in radiation, which are now part of the most sophisticated cancer-treatment protocols in the world. Above all, she made a scientific career achievable for countless girls around the world, with her two Nobel Prizes awarded in a century when only men gained public recognition for scientific research. She made me believe that the impossible is possible if you try hard.

If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
Magdalena Gaj: How about six words? “Things happen when we do them.”
You can’t see me now, but whenever I say these words, I am beaming. Because, for me, a smile is the most significant punctuation mark.

Short biography of Magdalena Gaj
Magdalena Gaj has been working in public administration for over 12 years. She has long experience of holding the highest State posts. Since the beginning of 2012, she has been President of the Polish national regulatory authority (Office of Electronic Communications — UKE). From 2009 to 2012 she was the Undersecretary of State responsible for the Polish telecommunication market. Both in the Ministry and in the regulatory authority, she has dealt with investment barriers in the telecommunication sector. Ms Gaj was the key leader in the digitization process in Poland.
Thanks to her commitment and determination, the switch-over process was carried out smoothly and efficiently.
During her work Magdalena Gaj has been recognized as a talented manager capable of reconciling the interests of consumers, the government and operators. Her commitment to supporting activities in the ICT sector in Poland has been rewarded by many prestigious domestic and international bodies.


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  • Users Avatars Mini
    pabloki pisze: 2014-10-07 00:32
    oj że na dobranoc trafiłem na ta wiadomość , teraz będę miał koszmary.
  • Users Avatars Mini
    sxs pisze: 2014-10-07 07:33
    Czy jest jakieś miejsce na ziemi którego ten darmozjad jeszcze nie odwiedził za nasze pieniądze???
  • Users Avatars Mini
    Grzegorz Szewczak pisze: 2014-10-07 08:27
    Pamiętaj, że jednym z obowiązków Prezesa UKE jest współpraca z międzynarodowymi organizacjami telekomunikacyjnymi, ustalanie wspólnej polityki itd Poza tym im więcej Polaków na wysokich stanowiskach na świecie, tym większa szansa dla Polski i jej rozwoju.
  • Users Avatars Mini
    sxs pisze: 2014-10-08 08:18
    Może i masz rację, ale ta Pani GRUBO przesadza..
  • Users Avatars Mini
    moc2 pisze: 2014-10-08 21:17
    Napisane jest Maria Curie-Skłodowska powinno być Maria Skłodowska-Curie, warto aby Pani prezes wiedziała że Maria Skłodowska to dwukrotna noblistka, była Polką i miła męża francuza Pierre Curie.


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