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Microsoft w serwisie oficjalnie poinformował, że rezygnuje z marki Nokia w serii swoich smartfonów Lumia. W najbliższych tygodniach/miesiącach wszystkie produkty z porfolio zmienią swoją markę z Nokia Lumia na Microsoft Lumia. Zmiany dotyczą także serwisów internetowych tego producenta. Będą one migrowane na nowe domeny. Polski serwis już przestał funkcjonować.
Oto pełny wywiad w języku angielskim z Tuula Rytilä, Senior Vice President of Marketing for Phones w Microsoft, dotyczący planowanych zmian:
Conversations: We have now started the transition from Nokia Lumia to Microsoft Lumia. Tell us about this change. What concrete changes are we going to see?
Tuula: This is a very exciting time for us and for Lumia products. You might have seen that in the last couple of months, we have already made some name changes to our apps to better reflect that these apps now come from Microsoft.
Our global and local websites are going through a transition as we speak and in the coming days our social channels will get a new name too – they will be called Microsoft Lumia. We would like to invite our Lumia fans to continue to follow us and always be up to speed with the latest device news on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
This work continues across our devices, packaging and retail, to name a few. It’s all going as planned and we’re excited that our integration in to Microsoft continues to be on track.
Conversations: So when are we going to see the first Microsoft Lumia device?
Tuula: I wouldn’t comment on future product announcements, but what I can say is that that we are looking forward to unveiling a Microsoft Lumia device soon. This is of course a natural progression as all devices that once came from Nokia now come from Microsoft.
And, the Lumia promise of great phone experiences will remain the same as our customers have come to know and love. What’s more, Lumia phones will also showcase the best of Microsoft’s services such as Office, OneDrive, Skype and Bing to help customers with their work and personal lives.
Conversations: What does Lumia stand for?
Tuula: Microsoft was founded with the vision of putting a computer in every home and on every desk. With Lumia phones, Microsoft delivers the power of everyday mobile technology to everyone. We’ve introduced innovations such as advanced camera features, wireless charging, industry-leading design – and have worked to bring across our portfolio. All of that will continue. Microsoft remains committed to bringing amazing Lumia experiences with a strong portfolio of phones that offer something for everyone.
Plus, Lumia is now part of a compelling family of Microsoft products like Xbox, Windows and Surface along with a range of services such as Skype, Office and Bing.
Conversations: But does this mean Nokia Lumia smartphones that are currently in the market are obsolete?
Tuula: Of course not! Microsoft continues to sell and support the Nokia Lumia phones that are out in the market, such as the recently announced Lumia 830 and Lumia 730/735. As I said, the Lumia promise that you’ve come to experience and love will remain. We will continue to honor customer warranties and provide world-class care services as before.
Conversations: Will we see any additional Nokia phones from Microsoft?
Tuula: Yes! Microsoft will continue to sell Nokia-branded, entry-level category of phones, such as the Nokia 130. We have licensed the Nokia brand for such devices.